The Philippines’ premier health institution Makati Medical Center recently inaugurated its Water Immersion Facility for Labor and Delivery for mothers who want to try an alternative natural birthing method.
“MakatiMed’s Water Immersion Facility recreates the comfort of home birth and combines it with the safety of giving birth in a world-class medical center,” said Sonia E. Bongala, MD, immediate past Chairperson of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. “Each delivery will be closely supervised by our board-certified doctors, well-trained nurses, and qualified allied healthcare personnel, ensuring the well-being of both mom and baby.”
“More and more women are opting to undergo natural childbirth, especially those who cannot or would rather not have pain medication during labor,” said Martin Manahan, MD of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. “Water birth is one such alternative, where mothers undergo the normal labor and delivery process through warm water immersion. With the inauguration of this new facility in MakatiMed, our patients can request and access topnotch professional support for this delivery experience.”
The modern facility, located inside the MakatiMed CP Manahan Pavilion OR-DR Complex (Delivery Room), recreates the ambiance and comforts of home. The facility has a birthing pool, digital TV with cable, an audio system where mothers can connect their preferred soothing and relaxing music, a patient bed that can be converted to a delivery bed, and a warmer and waterproof fetal Doppler monitor (baby heartbeat monitor). It is a safe hospital setting with easy access to surgical and operating room facilities and multi-specialty physicians in case of emergencies.
A maximum of three companions can accompany the patient inside the birthing room.
Water birth has many benefits as it promotes relaxation and provides natural pain relief during labor. Buoyancy in the water promotes better blood circulation between mother and baby during labor. Water immersion also allows free movement inside the birth pool so mothers can assume any position in the water according to what makes her comfortable. Water has also been found to make the perineum (the area between the anus and the vulva) more elastic and relaxed, reducing severity of tearing, and lessening the need for stitches.
“Consult your OB-GYN to see if this method is the best birthing option for you,” said Dr. Bongala.
To know more about this birthing option, contact your MakatiMed OB-GYN or call the CP Manahan Pavilion OR-DR Complex (Delivery Room) through 8888 999 locals 3500 and 3501. The CP Manahan Pavilion is located at the 5th Floor, Tower 2 of Makati Medical Center.