The ENT Center (Dr. Ariston G. Bautista Center) is a specialty center equipped with the latest diagnostic equipment to examine patients with hearing and balance disorders. The Center is managed by the Department of Otorhinolaryngology.
Services include various screening and diagnostic tests such as Pure Tone Audiometry and Speech Audiometry, Play Audiometry, Impedance Audiometry, and Video Otoscopy. High-quality hearing aids are also available for every need and budget.
For patients with balance disorders, the center uses a complete diagnostic system for recording involuntary eye movement, enabling the specialists to determine whether or not the dizziness may be due to an inner ear disease.
The center also advocates hearing screening to check the baby’s ability to hear through the use of Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) test. The center has a wireless Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) machine that can conduct the test in virtually any situation. It enables ABR testing without sedation and can test a pediatric patient even while the patient is feeding, speaking or playing.
The Speech and Swallowing Unit allows physicians to examine the vocal cords and observe minute abnormalities that influence the patient’s voice through various diagnostic tests.
The center also offers minor surgeries related to the ears, nose, throat and small head and neck pathologies.
Chairman: Clydine Maria Antonette G. Barrientos, MD